Truth Bringers

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- The Taste That Kills -

In his book, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, and in a video with the same title, Russell Blaylock, M.D. describes how the brain processes nutrients and how these substances kill brain cells to create degenerative diseases. He explains how easy it is to consume excitotoxins, as they are so plentiful in an average diet. Among the dozens of excitotoxins, two of the most common are monosodium glutamate and aspartame.



Michael Ellegion: 

This upcoming signing of the Copenhagen Treaty, very few people even knew about until one of the “lesser Royalty” who is not part of the illuminati exposed this plan when he (Lord Monckton) very recently spoke before a small gathering in Minnesota.

Below is the forwarded video that was recorded of Lord Monckton’s presentation before a recent Minnesota gathering that mostly, specifically, effectively, exposes the whole “Global Warming”; that it is nothing but a FRAUD pushed upon the world to fool those of us who are concerned about the environment, so that we are willing to pay unnecessary “taxes” that pad the pockets of the power elite.  This information, by the way, CONFIRMS what Ashtar and the Higher Forces have told me about, that the entire so-called “environmental movement” has been highly infiltrated by agents of the cabal, to manipulate it, as just one example, to use it as a way to heavily tax all of us under the disguise that they have to do that in order to--SUPPOSEDLY--”save the environment”.  

One of the things that Lord Monckton shares is that the person who had originally, many years ago, founded the organization Greenpeace, who was also his friend, was forced to resign, because Greenpeace (like most all of the so-called “environmental” organizations), was infiltrated and taken over by corporate interests, who have used this organization (and all of the other prominate “environmental” organizations) to actually further the plans  and agendas of the power elite, by controlling large areas of the globe for their own purposes and heavily taxing everyone, to just pad the pockets of the power elite. 

Lord Monckton

Also, by the way, which the Higher Forces have confirmed to me, that even though it is true that we must definitely get off of the use of oil, nuclear and other natural resources on this planet, and we need to definitely start using more advanced alternative sources of energy (such as that referred to as “zero point” technology and the ability to tap into unlimited Universal energy), this whole argument that claims that there is a “global warming” going on and it is all “man-made”, based upon the Co2 that has been released by the use of oil, etc., this is not scientifically accurate, because in fact, the exact opposite is occurring, as based upon recent unbiased temperature readings (that were scientifically documented by those who have no invested interests in furthering the corrupt oil or petrochemical companies).  That this whole “global warming” B.S. nonsense disinformation is being used and manipulated by these corporate-illuminati forces, to further their agenda for more control over the masses, and use the “environmental movement”, through all the numerous--originally sincere and above reproach” organizations--that have been taken over, and also the sudden springing up in more recent years of new “environmental” organizations, who have sent me numerous e-mails asking me for financial donations to--SUPPOSEDLY--help them solve this environmental challenge.

But one of the main GLARING CONTRADICTION in all of these--SO-CALLED-- “sincere” environmental organizations, is that not one of them ever will even mention or refer to two of the most toxic and polluting challenges that we as a planetary civilization and society (besides having very toxic & deadly vaccines forced upon us!) have ever had to face--that of CHEMTRAILS & HAARP--as if they do not even exist.  I mean, come on, “it doesn’t take a rocket scientist or brain surgeon” to realize, that for so many millions of us who are not even members of such SO-CALLED “sincere” environmental organizations, to be so very aware of these two things that have been horribly polluting the environment, as well as affecting our health and immune system these past two to three decades (both Chemtrails and HAARP, were first “officially” started back in 1988), and yet, not one of these numerous “environmental” organizations will even mention or refer to either Chemtrails and HAARP. 

And when I have specifically even asked them--NUMEROUS TIMES--about this very contradictory aspect, that a--SUPPOSEDLY--really sincere and really concerned organization, that touts itself as being “on the forefront or cutting edge” of the whole “environmental movement” (which implies that they would stay up to date on all such challenges and issues)--and yet they claim they do not know about Chemtrails and HAARP, or that these two things are “not one of the most important issues” that they are involved in--and yet, they keep sending out their numerous e-mails asking for me and everyone else to “donate to their great cause” of--SUPPOSEDLY--solving the “environmental problems” and such things as “global warming”.    

And then it dawned on me one day, as I was attempting to understand this glaring inconsistency, of what they were claiming they were doing--and what their true agenda was, that it reminded me--(and I told them so, too--these HYPOCRITES!!!!), that they all reminded me of the American Cancer Society, who pretends to want to cure cancer--and yet, they have ignored as well as suppressed all the many wonderful--and effective--natural, holistic cancer “cures” and preventative remedies, which have been shown millions of times, by millions of different people, to totally eliminate these “incurable diseases”. (Oh, that’s right, I am SUPPOSEDLY--not allowed to make any “medical or ‘nutritional’ claims” about these other, usually very inexpensive, natural and holistic remedies and procedures, that they do eliminate and get rite of cancer or any other many so-called “incurable” diseases--so let’s just say, that literally millions of so-called “coincidences” occurred when one has used these natural, holistic inexpensive remedies, that their cancer and all the other so-called “incurable” diseases all just  disappeared millions of times by “remarkable and miraculous remissions”)

And even though I am sure, that there may be some sincere individuals who naively may initially join the American Cancer Society, because they may really believe that the organization is really sincere, rather than just a front for “social prestige” and for continuing to rake in millions of dollars and pretending that they sincerely supposedly want to get rite of cancer, and just like many who initially join any one of these numerous “environmental groups” thinking that they are on the level, the point is, it will become very obvious to any one “with half a brain” who is able to use their “cognitive deductive reasoning” that something is definitely wrong because of these blatant contradictions and inconsistencies in what they are really doing, as verses what they would be doing if their true agendas were to really solve the very challenges they claim to be taking on.

So getting back to the REAL REASONS and agenda of having all the leaders of all countries--including President Obama--to sign this so-called “Global Warming”-Copenhagen Treaty coming up within the next several weeks, is to force a fascist world government upon everyone, and this will, officially eliminate our national sovereignty, and make our sacred U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights to Officially no longer have any authority. 

It is my hope that if enough of us will forward this e-mail to as many people that we each know, and have them do the same, and for them to do the same with others that they also know, etc., then it is always possible that if enough of the masses become aware of these plans, then perhaps this would cause the power elite to back off--and for President Obama, BEING PUT ON THE SPOT, (because of us massively exposing the true agenda of this Treaty!, and PUTTING HIM ON NOTICE!) decide not to sign it, with these blatant plans for more world control.  Well, we’ll see--but it is always important for those of us who do know, who have refused to “put our heads in the sand” to OFFICIALLY GIVE COSMIC NOTICE” to any and all so-called world leaders (“puppets” and their power elite “puppet masters”) that we as a sovereign race, have had enough of their crap and hidden agendas, that we are aware of their plans.

We, the Volunteers in Earth embodiment, must do our part to allow the Federation of Light to have the Authority to stop the cabal from fulfilling their plans for total world control, and that also means OFFICIALLY CHALLENGING THE SIGNING OF ANY TREATIES THAT OFFICIALLY DESTROY OUR SOVEREIGNTY.

So please forward this e-mail to as many people you can, and this will help in the exposing and neutralizing of any and all plans that these power elite are ATTEMPTING to do.  Thanks!

Michael Ellegion 


David Wilcock on Coast to Coast - October 6th 2009

Voor degenen die hem niet kennen, David Wilcock is een wetenschapper, filmmaker,  channeler, artiest, en meer, maar bovenal een zeer integer persoon die al tientallen jaren de grens tussen wetenschap en spiritualiteit bewandelt. Hij is ook een van de pioniers die het materiaal van de 'Law of One' verder heeft toegepast in zijn werken. David is bezig met een bijzondere bioscoop film die wordt geregiseerd door de maker van de film Contact, en waarin al zijn bijzondere ontdekkingen, ervaringen, onderzoeksresultaten en bovennatuurlijke verschijnselen die hij heeft weten te ontsluiten, zullen worden toepast. Het belooft de meest onthullende film ooit te worden. David heeft 17 jaren lang zeer indringende repeterende visioenen die over deze periode gaan. Hij komt nu voor het eerst naar buiten met meer directe informatie van deze visioenen omdat ze wijzen naar deze periode, maar ook direct gerelateerd zijn aan de resultaten van zijn jarenlang onderzoek. Daarnaast heeft David onlangs van nieuwe contacten die in hogere lagen van het 'systeem' zitten verbluffende informatie gekregen die zijn eigen informatie en conclusies bevestigen. Er wordt al jaren gezegd dat David de incarnatie is van Edgar Cayce, het zou zijn intelligentie en gedrevenheid kunnen verklaren.

Op 6 oktober jl. is David geïnterviewd door George Noory op 'Coast to Coast' - een zeer bekende Internet Radio. Dit interview bestaat uit 11 delen van ongeveer 10 minuten per deel. Hieronder is het eerste deel. Luister ernaar en volg de volgende delen die steeds op het YouTube scherm verschijnen. Klik op zo'n vervolgdeel en luister verder totdat je alle delen hebt gehoord. Het is het meest onthullende interview tot zover en slechts een paar dagen oud. Dit wil je horen! 

Nadat je alle delen van het interview hebt beluisterd, kun je ook luisteren naar een aanvulling van David via deze mp3-file:

(klik om te luisteren of download de file met je rechter-muisknop)


Check out the movie lecture below

David speaks:

The scientific model was originally based on alleged ET communications -- which we read and received beginning in 1996. It has since been fleshed out with many hundreds of hard scientific data points over the ensuing 13 years. All the best of those scientific references will appear in our new Penguin / Dutton book, 2012 Enigma: Blueprints of a Golden Age.

We now consider this book to be the most important text we will have ever written, because nothing will be held back. No matter how firmly entrenched and unwilling to listen our skeptics may be at the outset, the case laid out in this book will at the very least cause them to lie awake at night, reeling with the possibilities that it just might be true.

Skeptics will lie awake at night, reeling with the possibilities that it just might be true. All along, we have said that this movement into a new galactic energy zone is the physically-measurable 'celestial event' that all the 2012 / end times / Golden Age prophecies have been referring to. And the scientific data to prove the point has been coming in so fast and furious that we haven't had time to cover most of it with new updates on this website, given all the things we're accomplishing at this time.

The effects of this 'celestial event' are superficially visible in climate change, which is provably occurring throughout the solar system, not just on Earth. More importantly, we are moving through intelligent energy that has a direct effect on biology and consciousness. Therefore, these galactic energy zones have a vital role in driving the evolution of species on Earth, including the current, in-progress, dramatic upgrade of human intelligence and intuitive ability.

I covered all these points in significant detail in my recent 2012: Return to Camelot presentation in Los Angeles. After all this time, there is easy-to-watch video documentation for so many of these points I've been making. [This is only a transitional step on the path to a video presentation of this same material with much higher production value, which may become a TV documentary as well.

Here it is, if you haven't already seen it 


David speaks:

Now, all these years later, I finally feel that I've put together a comprehensive model that explains all the anomalies and prophecies, and leaves no stone unturned, to truly legitimize these prognostications and explain precisely how and why they are happening.

What you are about to see is a promotional film that my friend and visual-effects director Jay Frankenberger put together, with my assistance, to raise interest in my upcoming book 2012 Enigma: Blueprints for a Golden Age. I hope you like it!



17 okt 2009 


Interview met Drunvalo Melchizedek