Nieuwsbrief True Spirit




















































- 17 December 2009 -

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True Spirit Health Center - Heart Bridge klik hier


Eindelijk weer een nieuwsbrief na 5 weken stilte van mijn kant. Ik was in de lappenmand en absoluut niet in staat om in de pen te kruipen en zeker niet om artikelen te vertalen. Ik heb een paarkeren op het punt gestaan, maar het mocht niet baten. Eigenlijk is dat nog steeds zo. De veranderingen eisen sedert 11 november (11:11:11) hun tol als het gaat om loslaten en doen wat het belangrijkst is; namelijk zorgen voor jezelf en niets daarvan de aandacht laten afleiden. En kijk uit, want de kosmische golven die sedert die datum ons hebben bereikt en steeds meer binnenkomen  veroorzaken problemen in je lijf wanneer je niet voldoende zorgt in de pas te lopen met wat zij komen brengen. We zijn voorbestemd en goedschiks of 'kwaad'schiks zullen we er komen.


Lauren Gorgo schreef er het volgende over:


Throughout all of November, and as the divine masculine and feminine energies merge through our heart centers, we have endured some unprecedented heart openings. These clearings can manifest in the physical realms as relationship challenges (issues of the heart), incidents or projections of past heartbreak/betrayal, bouts of bronchitis, nausea, indigestion, HEARTBURN (licorice root helps with this), chest pain, back pain & soreness (between the shoulder blades) breast tenderness & swelling. Where we are headed, the intelligence of the heart will completely direct our reality and dictate our impact on the world, which is why our hearts, our being, painfully cracked wide open.


En vertaald:

Gedurende de maand November en terwijl de goddelijke mannelijke en vrouwelijke energieën zich samenvoegden in onze hartcentra, hebben wij enkele nooit eerder voorgekomen openingen van het hart moeten doorstaan. Deze openingen kunnen zich in de fysieke wereld manifesteren als problemen in relaties (situaties van het hart), incidenten of projecties ten gevolge van oud hartzeer of bedrog, aanvallen van bronchitus, verkoudheid, slechte spijsvertering, brandend maagzuur, pijn op de borst, rugpijn en gevoeligheid tussen de schouderbladen, gevoeligheid en zwelling van de borststreek. Daar waar we naartoe gaan, daar zal de intelligentie van het hart onze realiteit (werkelijkheid) en invloed op de wereld volledig bepalen en dat is waarom onze harten en ons wezen pijnvol 'wordt opengebroken'.


Nou, jullie kunnen het al raden. Dit overkwam mij ook en ik denk met mij velen van jullie eveneens. Het ergste is de pijn op longen en hart en de ademhaling die stokt. Voor het eerst sedert 15 jaren of langer heb ik medische hulp ingeroepen en werd gedurende een dag volledig onderzocht. Voordat ik er naartoe ging kwam er van alles in mij op en vele nachten van ademnood en van onrust brachten mij aan de rand van het vertrouwen, iets dat bij mij altijd heel hoog in het vaandel staat. Maar de beleving hiervan was het ergste dat ik ooit heb meegemaakt als het gaat om het voelen wegglippen van je levenspotentie. Kunnen ademen is een Gods Geschenk, natuurlijk net als een gezond hart en alle andere vitale organen. Het enige dat ik nog kon was tijdens die moeilijke nachten alles loslaten en overdragen aan de wens van onze ongeziene aanstuurders. Er restte mij niets anders dan nu eens alles ook écht te accepteren en over te dragen, wat betekent dat ik de situatie van het achterlaten van een zeer dierbaar gezin wist te aanvaarden indien dat van mij werd gewenst. En toen ontstond er wat rust en klom ik er met stukjes en beetjes weer bovenop. In het ziekenhuis bleek na 6 uren volledig onderzoek dat mijn hart goed functioneerde zonder enige schade, mijn longen helemaal schoon zijn en dat mijn bloed helemaal op orde is zonder zelfs enig spoor van cholesterol. Ook al was dat een hele verademing, de ademhaling laat nog steeds te wensen over en nu weet ik wel zeker waar dat vandaan komt en is ook de reden waarom ik het wil laten weten ingeval anderen er ook last van hebben.


Ja, er is zoveel verandering gaande en het stuurt aan op een hoogtepunt dat voor het eind van dit jaar zal worden bereikt en waarschijnlijk voor iedereen voelbaar zal zijn en naar verwachting ook zichtbaar vanaf het voorjaar in nieuwe keuzen van allen en ontknopingen die in versneld tempo elkaar zullen opvolgen. Onze wereld is bezig haar laatste dagen vol te maken en plaats te maken voor een volledig nieuwe start die met het jaar 2010 moet beginnen. Daarna rest ons nog het aftellen em volmaken van de allerlaatste fase, de fase die eindigt op 21 december 2012 wanneer de volledige uitlijning van aarde, zonnenstelsel en melkweg plaatsvindt. Tot dat moment wanneer door de uitlijning de grootst mogelijke opwaartse effecten zullen worden bereikt voor aarde en mensheid, en startende met het jaar 2010, zullen velen die nu het meest door deze straffe veranderingen worden geraakt, in staat zijn om te helpen zoveel mogelijk anderen eveneens over de grens van deze nieuwe realiteit te helpen. Alles lijkt in die richting te wijzen, het lijkt er op dat er eindelijk een start zal worden gemaakt met het oppakken van de volgende fase wanneer het oude verdwijnt en er nieuwe structuren zullen ontstaan, gecreëerd door velen die de grenzen van deze moeilijke tijden reeds met succes hebben kunnen overschrijden. 2012 is dus weliswaar een datum, maar het proces van 2012 speelt zich dus NU af en wordt afgerond gedurende de komende periode tot die bewuste datum een feit is.


Ik doe met deze nieuwsbrief een inhaalslag. Ik heb voor jullie het laatste bericht van Lauren geplaatst en een bericht van Aartsengel Michael over wat je nu deze maand en verder kunt verwachten. De berichten zijn niet vertaald. Graag zelf even doen of door de Google vertaler halen. Het is minder accuraat, maar nog steeds beter dan niets.


Wel alvast een opsomming van de belangrijkste punten uit het bericht van Michael:

  • Geliefde Meesters van het Licht, ik zeg u dat tegen het einde van dit jaar 2009 het Licht terug zal keren in jullie dichtheid. Niet alleen voor degenen die het Licht ontvingen, maar voor de gehele mensheid. Deze finale integratie betekent ook het ontstaan van een wereldwijd besef en markeert het einde van jullie isolatie en afgescheidenheid met jullie universum. (Red.: wordt er een begin gemaakt aan het verwijderen van de 3D sluiers?) Jullie zullen nu terugkeren naar het niveau van het Licht en de eenwording.
  • Voor hen die ervoor kiezen en gereed zijn om de drievoudige uitstraling van Licht in eenheid te ontvangen in je wezen (zie vorige artikelen van Michael) zal op individuele basis het resultaat van de samensmelting tussen hart en kruinchakra's plaatsvinden in het midden van je borstkas. Dit proces begint op 17 december 2009 en eindigent op 17 januari 2010 en zal de fundering leggen voor je Lichtmeesterschap in je innerlijke tempel, in je hart, samenvloeiend met de Christus en mijn eigen trilling (Michael).
  • Dit binnenkomend Licht, Blauwe Licht, is de mantel van Maria. Dit licht is het licht van de compassie, van begrijpen, het is een hereniging voor jullie en als teken voor de opening van je heilige tabernakel en van de eenheid voor deze dimensie in je hart.
  • Geliefde Sterrenzaden, veel zal jullie ten deel vallen, in jullie bewustzijn, in jullie leven en in wat jullie dienen op te zetten voor deze aarde en in andere dimensies. Jullie zijn hier om een regiem van waarheid, van integriteit en van eerlijkheid op te zetten. Samen zullen we dat bereiken. Jullie zijn nu, zoals ook Sri Aurobindo dat vertelde, in jullie laatste dagen voor het binnentreden van het Licht van de hogere Supra Mind hier op deze aarde. Dit zal een shock veroorzaken voor het systeem zoals nooit eerder, een verbazingwekkende openbaring van Onze Liefde. Velen die tot nog toe 'sliepen' zullen 'wakker worden' en dit begrijpen.
  • Oordeel niet over anderen en veroordeel de externe gebeurtenissen niet die tegen de totstandkoming van dit Licht ingaan. Dat is niet jullie rol. Jullie zijn gevraagd om jezelf innerlijk voor te bereiden, om te focussen, jezelf uit te lijnen en het Licht van Gratie te verwelkomen, want het blauwe licht is Gratie, liefde en compassie. Het is jullie verantwoordelijkheid om dit licht te ontvangen, erin te 'baden' en naar anderen te verspreiden. Deze deconstructie zal spoedig eindigen.
  • Je hoeft je geen zorgen te maken over je toekomst want het speelt zich nu af in dit huidige moment en openbaart de Waarheid van jullie Eenheid.Gedurende de Hemelse Huwelijken (zie eerdere berichten van Michael op hebben wij gezamenlijk een aantal processen en activaties geinitieerd ter voorbereiding van dat wat komende is.
  • Tussen het einde van dit jaar en 17 januari 2010 zullen we de totstandkoming zien van deze hartverbinding. De kruinchakra wordt iedere dag iets meer opengezet wat je toestaat om dit licht te laten stromen naar je hart. Je moet dit zelf doen, maar er zijn vele andere manieren om op dat punt aan te komen. Dit zal het voor AA Metatron mogelijk maken om de Sleutels en het Licht van Metatron in je te herstellen en te activeren. Dit zal gebeuren in de kruinchakra van je hoofd, terwijl in je stralende kruin van je hart het Christus licht zal zetelen in eenheid en in waarheid. Deze twee gebieden smelten samen in eenheid in je Innerlijke Tempel.
  • Michael zegt toe bij iedereen aanwezig te zijn op 17 december van 12:00 - 13:00 uur onze tijd om te helpen bij deze integratie. Wat wordt gevraagd is om simpelweg in stilte de tonen van Metatron constant te herhalen, OD  ER  IM  IS  AL. (zie eerder bericht hier) om het vuur van de kruin chakra te activeren, terwijl je het Christuslicht in Eenheid en in Waarheid verwelkomt in je hart. 
  • Laat je niet in met de externe chaos om je heen en verheug je op je herverbinding met het goddelijke. De verankering van deze trilling vindt  plaats in je derde oog. Het zal daarna je hart binnengaan terwijl de trilling in je hart op haar beurt zal oprijzen om samen te smelten met de trilling van je 3e oog.
  • Dit bovenstaande kun je helpen ondersteunen door het plaatsen van je linkerhand op je voorhoofd op de plek van je derde oog en je rechterhand op je hart terwijl je de tonen van Metatron in stilte herhaalt.
  • Sommigen onder jullie zullen het proces van dimensionale transformatie volledig beginnen te ondergaan (ascension). En velen van jullie zullen misschien besluiten om eindelijk deze dimensie te verlaten. Dit is niet een beslissing van de persoonlijkheid maar een beslissing van de Intelligentie van het Licht, de intelligentie van de trilling in je. Externe gebeurtenissen gerelateerd aan de elementen zullen nu in volledige kracht aanvangen.
  • Wij hebben niets om jullie op te leggen. Wij verlangen slechts de Waarheid te herstellen, het Koninkrijk van Licht te herstellen en het heersen van Eenheid. Dit is nu! Tegen het einde van dit jaar zullen vele dingen veranderen. Hou het Licht van je hart vast, bewaar de trilling van het blauwe licht in je, ervaar deze onuitsprekelijke vreugde want dit is eenheid. Vrees niet, bouw niet en repareer niet, hoop niet (overgave), maar zorg nu simpelweg slechts in dit licht te leven en het uit te stralen, en dat is voor nu. 

De vraag en antwoorden van het artikel mogen jullie zelf doornemen. Doe dat zeker want daar staan een aantal belangrijke antwoorden bij die je zeker wilt weten. Ik hoop dat jullie allemaal zonder kleerscheuren door deze periode heenkomen. Laat het licht zich verankeren en blijf neutraal en in vreugde totdat alles zijn plek heeft gekregen. Het bouwt zich op en zal uiteindelijk zichtbaar en voelbaar zijn.


Ik wens jullie een geweldig goede afronding van dit jaar en van de verankeringen en geniet zijdelings ook nog eens van een prachtige Kerst die zich in dit nieuwe energetische jasje mag afspelen onder invloed van de kosmische veranderingen. Het gaat jullie allen goed..



Liefs en groetjes,

Rob Behr


Archangel Michael - Shock and Awe -



12 december 2009


I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Heavenly Host. Beloved Masters of the Light and Starseeds, please welcome Our presence and receive Our blessings and love during this meeting today. I come to you, accompanied by the presence of Archangel Uriel, the Angel of  Presence.  Beloved Masters of the Light, I tell you now that by the end of this year the Light will return within your density, not only to those who have received the Light but to all of humanity. In a few days of your time this true integration of Light will come to all on Earth. This final integration includes a global awareness [the 3D veil will be lifted] and marks the end of your isolation and separation from your universe. You will now return to the level of the Light and the Unification that you truly are.

As I said I will return in a few days prior to this to give you the conditions that will allow you (if you want) to receive the triple Radiation of Light in Unity in your essence, in yourself, in your Unity and in your reliance on the Source. This is mirrored at the individual level for those who are ready to merge the radiant crown chakra of the head and the radiant crown chakra of the heart in you so that these two crowns merge, blend and fuse in the middle of your chest. The merger of these two radiant chakra crowns will from December 17 on, individually and for those who are willing, accommodate the Master of Light in your inner temple and at the collective conscious level of all humanity. This signals the revelation of the Light to all mankind.

Together you and all of Us including the Archangelic Conclave together with the Circle of Fire of the 24 Elders will bathe all of humanity in the Light, a Light whose main function is to Unify your true essence for all eternity, beyond the veils of illusion and beyond this veil of materiality. Be of Joy and as I repeat do not be disturbed by the external events that may shock you. This Light will be awakened in you in this dimension, which for most of you was hidden until now.  Beyond your essence, beyond even your access to this beingness, you will find in yourself and in this dimension the intensity and the Truth of Light.

During this month between December 17 and January 17, you will establish this foundation in your inner temple, in your Heart, merging with the energies of Christ and the energies that are Mine. You will realize in you, both individually and collectively (We hope) the truth of Unity, the Truth of Light and the Truth of Love. As the spokesperson of the Ancient Master Sri Aurobindo,  I come to you in Truth, Unity and the elements in order to remove the darkness that still remains in your own temple and within all of Humanity.

[Wiki:  Sri Aurobino (1872 –1950) was an Indian nationalist and freedom fighter, poet, philosopher, and yogi.  The central theme of Sri Aurobindo's vision is the evolution of life into a "life divine". In his own words: "Man is a transitional being. He is not final. The step from man to superman is the next approaching achievement in the earth's evolution. It is inevitable because it is at once the intention of the inner spirit and the logic of Nature's process".]

Anything that restrains or divides must cease. Anything that maintains the illusion and falsification will become a dead letter. Together with Our assistance, along with the Circle of  Fire of the 24 Elders, you will understand the truth of the Light on this Earth, in its vibration both internally and externally for all.

This Light is a Blue Light, it is the mantle of Mary; She is My coat and Her coat is the coat of Buddha. This Light is compassion, this Light is understanding, it is a reunification for you and signals the opening of your sacred tabernacle and the opening of your Heart to the Unity in this dimension.  By the power of the fire of love, by the power of the vibration of Unity and the triple radiation of the Holy Spirit, the Source and the ultraviolet energy, We will allow the blue Light to appear in all humanity.

Beloved starseeds, many things will be yours, in your consciousness, in your lives, and in what you need to establish as a rule on this Earth and in other dimensions. You are here to establish the reign of truth, the reign of Integrity and the reign of honesty. Together we will achieve that.  As you know, and as was announced recently by Master Sri Aurobindo, you are now and for a few days in your final entry into the Light of the higher supra mind here on this Earth. This will perform a shock to the system like no other, an amazing revelation of Our Love. Many people who were hitherto sleeping will awaken and understand this.

Do not go judge others or condemn external events that oppose the establishment of this Light. This  is not your role. You are asked to prepare yourself internally, you are asked to focus, to align yourself and to especially welcome the Light of grace because the Blue Light is Grace, the Blue Light is love and compassion. It is your responsibility to receive this Light, to bathe in it, and to spread this Light to others. This deconstruction will soon end. You do not have to worry about your future because it is now at this present moment, and reveals the Truth of your Unity. Throughout the Celestial Weddings We together initialized a number of processes and activations to prepare for what is to come.

Between the end of this year and January 17 We will see the establishment of and the path to access your 4th chakra lamp that will activate your heart chakra completely. Today the radiant crown chakra of the head is activated a little more each day, allowing you to direct this flow of Light into your Heart. You need to do this, but there are many ways to access and to arrive at this. This will enable Archangel Metatron to restore and authenticate in you the Keys and the Light of Metatron. This is to occur in the radiant crown chakra of the head. Within your radiant crown of the Heart is the home of Christ the Light, in Unity and in Truth. Combining these two areas and these two pronunciations will connect and tune the chakra crowns to Unify and merge these in your Inner Temple.

I will personally return to all on Earth at 12 noon [Thursday at 6 AM NY] on December 17 French time for an hour so that you can achieve this integration. What you have to do is to simply repeat in your mind (mentally) the phrase  OD ER IM IS AL, activating the fire of the crown chakra of the head and repeating it over and over, making sure that you welcome the Light of Christ in Unity and Truth so that you may allow your vibrational consciousness and your Truth to activate. I am now here on this Earth in My radiation and presence and manifestation in this density [I have lowered My frequency to be part of this ascension process.].

Do not dwell on the external chaos around you but rejoice in your reconnection with Divinity. This vibration will occur (and has already partially occurred in some) within your radiant crown chakra of your head at what We have called the Bindu [a dot that is cosmetically applied to the forehead in Hinduism, and some call it the 3rd eye chakra] or the Crystal Fountain. It must now enter into your heart and this conscious vibration in your Heart chakra must in turn rise to meet and merge with the Bindu on your forehead.

By the internal pronunciation [silently] of the phrase OD ER IM IS AL and by allowing the Light of Christ in Unity and Truth, you will assist this by using your hands as follows: your left hand is placed at height of the Crystal Fountain on your forehead to receive and host the Blue Light.  Your right hand should be placed on your heart chakra and you should should silently repeat the phrase OD ER IM IS AL so that the Blue Light of your Heart will gradually  merge on the forehead with the Crystal Fountain or 3rd eye. By performing this gesture and repeating this gesture it will allow you (if you wish) in your structure to integrate fully with the Blue Light.

Beloved Children of the Light, the Archangelic Conclave and the presence of  Archangel Uriel have been major contributions in preparing you for the return of the Light. By connecting to the Source, by connecting to your Unity, you also vibrate at a different octave [and higher frequency] in your Truth, and your essence will seem easier to connect with and experience.  Some of you will begin the phenomenon known as dimensional transformation or ascension both conscientiously and in full. Many of you will perhaps decide to finally leave this dimension [and move on to a higher dimension]. This decision is not of the personality but is a decision of the Intelligence of Light, the intelligence of the vibration in you. The external events related to the elements will now enter into their full power.

Do not worry about human reactions, resistance and oppositions that may occur around you and in this world, in government, or in all institutions of power. These will disappear so that you will collectively find your sovereign Unity. During this period you will prepare for the reception of the Golden Light that I will  discuss during the 4th step [in January].

What we will accomplish together in Unity on December 17, at 10:00 in the morning [4 AM NY] you can reproduce every day together on this planet, and We will be with you, and We along with the Circle of Fire of the 24 Elders will be with you and together We will achieve this. Thus the Blue Light that We will evoke will call on the consciousness of the Divine Mary so that it can enter your dimension. We will establish a communication channel between your dimension and the higher dimension of the Divine Mary. Do not worry or be concerned about anything but this Light. You have enough to do by concentrating, integrating, digesting and manifesting that Light.

The eternal feminine attributes [Love and compassion] will return among you, the Master of Light will return in this vibration. Do not believe any human being on this planet who would claim to be Master of the incarnated Light. The Master of Light [Jesus] will return as He left in the air. He is not incarnated so do not seek it in a body. This is a trap and a delusion. Stay focused on yourself  and live in peace, soak up the Source, rediscover your sovereignty and let all the systems of control that have prevented your access to what you are dissolve themselves. You do not need to fight, you do not need to resist, you simply have to be who you really are, you have to live that and nothing else. Do not allow yourself be carried away by emotions or ideas. Simply live in the Light of Truth.

Beloved Masters of Light, the whole Conclave is pleased by what you have done so far on this Earth, the courage that you have possessed and the joy that you have manifested to live that reconnection of who you really are [in Unity with Divinity]. All the illusions of this world are falling and this is irrevocable and immediate. There will be no further delays and I announce to all those who still resist the establishment of Light that We, the Conclave, the Source, the 24 Elders of the Circle and all of the Intergalactic Confederation, will not allow any resistance by those who oppose the establishment and the coming of the Light.

We have nothing to impose on you. We simply desire to restore the Truth, to restore the kingdom of Light, and to restore the reign of  Unity. This is now. By the end of this year, many things will change. Maintain the Light of the Heart, preserve the vibration of the Blue Light in you, experience this ineffable joy because this is Unity. Do not fear, do not build or repair, do not hope, but simply live in and  transmit that Light, and that is now.

Beloved Masters of the Light I will now give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you need further clarification on in relation to what is now occurring and what is to come, so that We can share these collectively with all of our beloved starseeds.


Should we still reconnect with the energies at 12 noon until the date of next March?

Beloved from today on you may utilize this work I have given from the 17th on daily at 12 noon French time [6 AM NY], during a time period that is acceptable to you, a few minutes or an hour at your convenience and your method.  I will leave the master Sri Aurobindo, overseer of the 24 Melchizedeks, to speak in more detail about this later.  The work of the Circle of Elders will continue between 7: 30 and 8 PM [French time - 1:30 PM NY], and you simply need to accept this energy relayed to you by the 24 Melchizedeks. A Number of vibrations will arrive in you. During the vibration of the Circle of Elders you will also have the vibration and the Radiance of the Archangel Uriel, the Angel of Presence.  [The Circle of Elders and AA Uriel appear to also transmit this energy daily in the evening in France, and this will be available to the US in the afternoon.]


What will it take for those who did not prepare during the Celestial Marriages to connect with these energies?

Beloved starseeds, as I have said from the beginning of the Celestial Marriages, a lot of people do not yet know of Our presence. Nevertheless, this will be revealed to them by the same process without necessarily their putting this in words. They will be connected to the Source and their Unity in the same way [the opportunity to receive the Light is still available]. You are the first to become transmitters and the Pillars of Light. But remember: the first shall be last [to leave when this dimension no longer exists].


Should we expect unpleasant side effects or changes on a physical level?

In yourself individually these effects are obvious and normal. Many things have changed in you already. You will move into an era of honesty, integrity and purity. There will be a transparency of your Being. Thus you will eliminate interference, eliminate what does not allow you to participate in the Light and Unity. You do not have to work on it, you have merely to accept the Intelligence of the Light and in particular the Blue Light. This will work to calm and purify you in the Fire of Love. The vibrational perception will be extremely powerful in you at the radiant crown chakra of the head and the radiant  crown chakra of the heart that some of you call Kundalini.

The cellular vibration of your entire system will change.  You will become impervious to anything that tries to prevent your Unity in your immediate environment through changes produced by systems that resist and oppose the Light. They [the darkside] do not have long to live. The Light, as I said earlier this summer, has finally won over the darkness. This Light won the right to be established in this dimension and will allow you to return (if you wish) to realms of Unity, realms of Light both real and authentic. However, by simply focusing within these vibrational areas now and in the coming month, during quiet moments in nature, moments that you would call meditation, by not wanting anything, you will be aligned in the Presence and the vibration of the Blue Light . Call on the Light Blue, call on Uriel the Angel of  Presence.


Will animals be affected by the same kind of transformation at ascension?

The whole of creation (including those who have been misled in this dimension) must return to their former level and their Unity. As I said it involves all of the solar system, all of humanity and the whole Earth, and this will begin on December 17.  


When You say that "the first shall be last," what does that mean?

This simply refers to a given time.  Although beloved starseeds most of you have participated in the Heavenly Marriages and have in yourself awakened to who you really are, in this sense you are the first, but also you will be the last to leave this dimension. As I have stated you have a role to be the foundation and stabilization of the Light in this dimension.  By your presence and your status in this dimension, you stabilize by your Unity this interaction in this dimension and you allow your brothers, your sisters, the animals, plants and all of creation to regain their Unity. This role of yours is essential and of utmost importance.


How should we best act towards our children?

As has been said by many speakers, you do not have to worry about each other [you are not responsible for their actions and they will make their own decisions]. You have simply to live in the Light and transmit this Light. The rest will be done by the intelligence of the Light. Gradually as you advance more and more in the radiance of the Light Blue, you will find that things will become obvious and  things will become easier. This is the essential characteristic of the intelligence of the Light. Trust is part of it, whether in your life, in your family, or in your surroundings. Ask for the Truth, and by simply being in the Truth everything else will bring out the best in you and will be in line with the intrinsic desire of the Light.

This is what the Archangel Anael taught you by your need to surrender to the Light. Remember and never forget that Light is intelligent, that it is related to ultraviolet and Adamantine particles that are linked to the Source and the Holy Spirit and as of now to the Blue Radiation. All Lights in Unity are intelligent.  If you live under the influence of this surrender to the  Light, if you allow your Unity to be centered in you and you connect to the Unity and these Lights, absolutely everything will go well. You do not have to worry about your safety. As Christ said when He walked among you: "Is the bird concerned about what it will eat tomorrow?" You enter into the Age of Innocence [like children], you enter into an era of intelligence and Unity.

Many things in your lives will change and will be established in a smooth and flowing manner. You do not need to oppose or resist [in negativity] but you need to simply receive and accommodate the Truth.  I would even say that in doing this you will be where you must be and in the place where you will be needed during the coming events, and you will be able to conclude what you need to accomplish.


What is the difference between the Blue Light and the Golden Light?

The Golden Light is a different octave frequency. So far We have described all energy as being without color. We discussed the Ultraviolet energy that is invisible to your eyes, which is a vibration and radiation. We have together talked of this radiation of the Source and the Holy Spirit and have lived within this density where you are now. Today is the first time I use the word colored light. The Golden Light is the light of liberation and freedom. It is the Light that makes you full in your essence. It is the Light of the Sun, and this Golden Light is reserved for January 17.


What is the phenomenon seen in the sky over Norway as a Blue Light coming from a spiral? Is this related to Your energy?

Beloved Starseeds although I asked for your question on this matter, you should simply connect to your inner Being and not listen to what has been broadcast in different stories. This is false. This Light is the anchor in your dimension and the opening of the first inter dimensional portal that has been revealed to all mankind. The second portal opening will occur shortly. When I say shortly this is be in a number of days at the other side and the opposite end of this planet at the Antarctic South Pole. At this point you will know that this time has come. [These portals allow other ETs to easily enter this universe and assist in our ascension.]

The time has now come for the Blue Light to pour into you completely.  Our deconstruction will then be complete, and you will bathe in an unfathomable Love. Then of course until the last moments of humanity in your dimension, everything will be attempted by the dark forces of resistance and the powers that are still trying to control you so that you do not understand and acknowledge the Truth. But it is too late. More and more Starseeds have awoken and are not reacting in violence but in the affirmation of their Light, their truth and their integrity.

This is what has now enabled Uriel the Angel of Presence to accompany you and everyone without exception and allow you to vibrate at a different higher level. So yes the inter-dimensional portals allow Light to enter into your dimension in a visible and collective manner. It is also a way for the Inter-Galactic Confederation to deal with any eventuality.  All options in [advanced ET] hardware are open for use if necessary.  Everything depends on how the forces of resistance oppose this.  They will be shown their limits [and their weaknesses]. They will understand that the burden and slavery and the weight you were under is almost over.

As responsible Beings (on the level of the Conclave, the 24 Elders and the Inter Galactic Forces), We will be ready for any events. In this sense We have created visibly on the surface of this world a vortex (the one that appeared and the one that will soon appear) in direct relationship with the inner Earth world, the extraterrestrial [ET] worlds, and the ultra-terrestrial [higher dimensional] worlds. This does not mean as I stated that the Inter Galactic Confederation will necessarily intervene in a visible way but that the Light will intervene in a clearly perceptible way. The rest of the plans will adapt to these events.


What about the installation of twelve stars of Mary?

The twelve stars of Mary were part of the installation of Celestial Marriages. When you  activate the five points with this higher vibration you permit the rotation of the radiant crown chakra of the head, connected directly related to Metatronic keys. The remaining seven keys enable all of the twelve points of the crown chakra of Mary to be revealed later, from the moment you transform the crown chakra of the head and the crown chakra of the heart, through six points of vibration located in the heart (which you have been taught for over a year by one of the 24 Melchizedeks, the Lord Ram). These six points of the heart will merge with the five points of the head plus another point, thus forming the Unified Radiant Crown chakra in your whole being, visible both in the head and in the level of the heart. But this is not for now. [The Metatronic keys are complex and will be revealed at a later time.]


Do you have information on the period of the 3 days of Earth's rotational halt [a zero point magnetosphere before a magnetic pole shift and Earth's reversal]?

This will occur when the Divine Mary announces this to each of you individually 72 hours [3 days] before this event. You do not have to worry about that yet. Simply receive the Light, knowing that you will be warned before hand. In any case this will not occur until that announcement by Mary and that has not taken place yet.  [It appears that this is being controlled by Divinity using the Sun and that it will be set in motion at the proper time.]

We have no more questions, thank you.

Beloved Masters of the Light, beloved Starseeds, anchors and transmitters of the Light, I will see you next on December 17 [this Thursday], individually and collectively. There will not be any spoken words during this hour but My presence will simply be in you. I will return on January 17 to explain the fourth step that will take place. I will return a few days earlier than this Thursday on the Sunday before the 17th [Dec. 13] and will meet with you at 10 AM in the morning French time [4 AM NY time].  You can also connect with us on this day.  At this time I will give the principles so that you may live in the Golden Light coupled with the Blue Light. Please accept and receive in you all of the radiance and appreciation of the Archangelic Conclave.  We welcome you to your eternity, We welcome you to what you really are [as Divine beings], beyond the facade in which you now live. We bless you, We cherish you. Translated by Rich N



12:12 & The Return to Love



Woensdag 9 december 2009



Blessings and divine greetings benevolent ones, I am Lord of Arcturus and on behalf of the entire Arcturian civilization, I speak to you as one.


Long gone are the days of strife. No longer are you required to uphold a vision of perfection for the world, for you are perfection now. No longer are you required to uphold the sanctity of future creation, for you are creation embodied now.


Beloved beings of extraordinary light and unwavering focus... gather together under the energetic shroud of this transmission for the purpose of celebrating the return of love! We come together today to join in praise and celebration with you, our beloved brothers and sisters of earth.


The turning of the tide, the parting of worlds, the separation of the wheat from the chaff... all of these euphemisms point to the eternal now, a point in time when all lower reality matrices are severed from truth. What we would like to bring forth thru this cherished inter-dimensional channel of various galactic civilizations, is as of this day (12/09/09) the 12:12 gateway has officially opened.


What this means for man and womankind is unprecedented in scope, for all galactic gateway portals have been leading up to the potency of this particular frequencial point in time and space.


The resurfacing of love as the forerunner and template of creation is activated through this very portal and brought completely into physicality through the 12/21 solstice celebration. The alignment of this frequencial resonance point is indicative of a major push forward in the earth's evolution and humanity's spiritual mastery. From this day forward, and into the next level of planetary ascension, all of humanity will be forever changed.


Those of you who have been consciously following the ascension timeline, integrated the physical changes initiated at each numeric galactic portal, and cleared the emotional body of fourth dimensional discord, are entering into the new galactic time zone centered at zero-point frequency, through the divine portal of peace.


The entrance into (w)holism, as is your vernacular, is the entrance into unity thinking which precipitates unity action as all the cooperative parts work collaboratively for the function of the whole. Earth is being transformed with love consciousness, and beginning to work as One. In this way, you of the new time line will be the new earth keepers, the sacred ones who have transcended the veil of illusion, fear and separation and will be working with each other and your galactic emissaries to implement the new structures of ascended earth.


These 12:12 & 12:21 gateways are taking you far beyond any limitations of separation and bringing you directly in contact with the true frequency of creation... into harmonic resonance with the All. Greatness awaits each of you as you begin to prepare the earth and her people for an entirely new way of being.


As it stands, your earth mother is undergoing many shifts and vibratory upgrades to prepare herself for the most splendid act of divine intervention to happen in the history of man. These shifts are creating the foundation for living in an inter-dimensional society and are necessary for the complete return of love on the planet. Stay connected to your inner knowing as these changes take place, for you will come to experience the earth in a completely new way, a way that will astound you in times to come.


As well, those of you who are preparing for your leadership roles may find that you are still plagued with a lack of vitality and an inability to move forward into your rightful position. This is for good reason as many of you are still holding the beacons of light that are necessary to guide humanity over the threshold and through this doorway.


Once this gate fully opens, however, you will feel the full release of energetic captivity from old programs, core issues and the emergence of a renewed sense of joy and vigor. Your biology will finally have the ability to fully adapt to the new and higher frequencies and spontaneous healings will become commonplace as you reclaim the various aspects of yourself that you willingly fragmented in service to the All.


This will truly be a return to the state of grace as you rest, recover, revitalize and embrace your brothers and sisters in higher love with the full remembrance of your true state of being now that your tour of duty has expired. In this, we will also share that some of you are already beginning to feel the grace of God enter your divine vessels, and for you to whom we speak, we say... it only gets better.


As each of you completes this laborious yet necessary cycle of integration and purification you will be free to experience the life you have dreamed of and as you do, as you embark upon this new journey in creation, so too will you lead by infectious example.


Post 12:12


Following the 12:12 gateway, all members of the activated crystalline grid structure will begin to release responsibility of and connection to the 3d dimensional duality matrix. This will create an energetic chasm between worlds, or realities, that will permit the new world to begin taking form as the old world continues to dismantle and experience the extremes of polarity. This latter portion of the population will fulfill their soul contracts in karmic creation as the new earth leaders begin to assemble the cosmic blueprint, held in the 12th dimensional frequency field, of the original design for the planet.


Those with contracts to serve in the first level of stewardship well know their roles by now and those next to activate will be joining in to take the helm. This 2 tier level of leadership is necessary to employ some of the greater advancements in technology and social awareness that will come in the later stages.


If you are one who is not aware of your "role" in all of this, realize that the physical expression of your talents is of your choosing. All that is required of you is that which brings you great joy.


12:21 Solstice Celebration


At the 12:21 solstice celebration, and with the support of both the lunar and solar eclipses, the earth and her people will shift into position for greater expansion and the new beginnings of 2010. All of earth and humanity will be affected by the amount of love pouring in through these powerful portal dates, yet it will also represent the activation completion and reconnection for wayshowers to step fully into their divine roles.


This suggests a hierarchical order, yet it is based on an individual ability to accept ever-expanding probabilities, and to broaden your capacity to love. As a result of these changes, we will be able to work directly with many of the new earth leaders as the veil of separation lifts and we become an integral part of your new world.


Brothers and sisters, we have so much to share with you regarding the building of your new earth. We have galactic ambassadors stationed all over the planet, as do all participating star nations, who will be facilitating many of the off-world communications necessary to employ great endeavors and we are so delighted to finally be working with you in this capacity!


As a result, the culmination of efforts put forth by the many intergalactic societies here to to assist you will create the resources and rapid change required to enable the people of earth to truly live in peace and harmony.


To your joy in completeness and the return of LOVE!


Telepathic Transmission thru Lauren C. Gorgo at


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